Friday, December 27, 2013

[Video] Kim Jae Won Singing Kanashimi Ni Sayonara "Goodbye To Sadness" Live [English}

I love watching him on this performance , i just enjoy looking at him singing beautifully. He is very easy in the eyes and really fun to watch.
I remember him practicing this song while he was inside the car on the way filming Scandal.
It was hilarious when he sing the other songs, I'm not sure if he sing it all during the fan meeting. I just hope it turns out well.. ^o^

He also sung another song "SUMMER DREAM" and it's really awesome..

Latest News, Photos, Drama, Movies, everything about Kim Jae Won achievements..

Thursday, December 26, 2013

[Photo/Video] Kim Jae Won at Four Sons and One Daughter Press Confrerence

Latest News, Photos, Drama, Movies, everything about Kim Jae Won achievements..

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

MBC Drama Awards 2013 Preview

MBC Drama Awards 2013 Preview 发布人 kimjaewon0218

Latest News, Photos, Drama, Movies, everything about Kim Jae Won achievements..

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

[Photo of the Day 12/18] Kim Jae Won on a Drama

Can You Hear My Heart 2011 - Cha Dong Joo

May Queen 2012 - Kang San/Rhyan Kang

Scandal 2013 - Ha Eun Joong/Jang Eun Joong

PLEASE take a moment to check out the link below. Thank you.
[VOTE] MBC Drama Awards Voting Registration Guide

To be able to cast your VOTE , you need to register on iMBC website.  Please follow the following instruction on the link given. 

Latest News, Photos, Drama, Movies, everything about Kim Jae Won achievements..

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

[Photo of the Day 12/17] Kim Jae Won In a Drama

Ha Eun Joong in Scandal 2013

Kang San/Rhyan Kang in May Queen 2012

Cha Dong Joo in Can You Hear My Heart 2011

One of the best thing about Kim Jae Won is his ability to express his feelings through his eyes naturally. 
In every character he portrayed , you can always feel and get attach to his character without realizing you are loving him as the character itself.

Since the year end is approaching , once again he was nominated for Popularity Award and Best Couple Award for his portrayal as Detective Ha Eun Joong in Scandal. 
Please show your love and support for him by voting.

Latest News, Photos, Drama, Movies, everything about Kim Jae Won achievements..

Monday, December 16, 2013

[Photo of the Day 12/16] Kim Jae Won Characters on a Drama

I'm a bit free today so i decided to share some post from our facebook fan pages. ^o^

Cha Dong Joo in Can You Hear My Heart 2011

Kang San / Rhyan Kang on May Queen 2012

Ha Eun Joong on Scandal 2013

Latest News, Photos, Drama, Movies, everything about Kim Jae Won achievements..

Sunday, December 15, 2013

[Video] Can You Hear My Heart Final Ep. Filming and Cast Message

Can You Hear My Heart is one of my all time favorite drama. It was aired in 2011 but the memories it made leave a huge part in my heart.

Credit : MBC

Latest News, Photos, Drama, Movies, everything about Kim Jae Won achievements..

[Photo] Kim Jae Won on JUVIS

Diet consulting chain Juvis offers clients custom-designed programs to help them get lean and shapely like Juvis model  Kim Jae Won and Jo Yoon Hee the current official endorser and model of JUVIS Diet.

In the mean time please check out MBC Drama Awards 2013 poll and support Kim Jae Won by voting. Registration and voting guide are given below..
ALL ABOUT KIM JAEWON: [VOTE] MBC Drama Awards Voting Registration Guide:
To be able to cast your VOTE , you need to register on iMBC website.

JUVIS VIP Event 2013

credit : Naver Blog
Latest News, Photos, Drama, Movies, everything about Kim Jae Won achievements..

Saturday, December 14, 2013

[Video] Get It Beauty HOMME Ep.04

Get It Beauty HOME - Beauty Guide for Men
Special Edition hosted by Kim Jae Won

Article image

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[Video] Scandal "Drama English Show Point of Review

This video is from a show that translated some ideomatic expressions from character dialogues in the drama and explain the meaning into English. 
A part of Scandal Drama with Kim Jae Won had been featured and discuss. Please watch the video HERE .. ^o^

Photo credit: MBC Scandal "Kim Jae Won and Kim Gyuri

Latest News, Photos, Drama, Movies, everything about Kim Jae Won achievements..

Friday, December 13, 2013

[VOTE] MBC Drama Awards Voting Registration Guide

To be able to cast your VOTE , you need to register on iMBC website. 
Please follow the following instruction below.

1) Click=====> HERE to begin..
Choose => Domestic and Foreigner Living in Abroad

2) Click all the BOX with pointed mark as shown on the photo below..

3) You will be redirected to a new window 
=> first box : Write your email address click the blue button on the left then check your email box to get the authentication code
=> second box: Copy and paste the authentication code from your email then click the blue button to verify your code. 

the image was shown below..

4) A new window will open once your aunthentication code was verified.
Provide all the details required, fill in all the box..
a) Name
b) ID or username (must consist letters and number) pop notification will appear if your ID given was available to use ..
c) Password
d) Re-confirmed your password
e) Select a question
f) Answer of the question
g) Gender
h) Birthday (year/month/day)
i) Country
j) contact number
k) Address (not neccessary to be complete , City address will do)

Click the purple button to complete your registration 

Once your Registration was completed you will be redirected to iMBC Homepage
To LOG IN click ====> HERE

Provide your Username on the first box and passpord on the next then click the purple button or simply click ENTER..

iMBC Homepage will appear on a new window.. you can now start voting..

VOTE Kim Jae Won for Most Popular Artist click HERE.. just  click his photo , scroll down and click the RED button to finish your vote..

make sure that the pop up notification will appear like the image below..

Vote for Best Couple Award (Scandal Couple Kim Jae Won and Jo Yoon Hee) 
click=====> HERE

Registration and Voting Guide is also available in other languages:

======>Japanese -韓国mbc登録方法: 21013年12月現在 
======>Chinese -2013MBC大赏投票注册教程及相关
======>Vietnamese -Hướng dẫn vote cho KIM JAE WON trong MBC DRAMA AWARDS 2013

You can VOTE once a day per IP address. Feel free to ask for clarifications on registration and voting guide. Let's show our full support for Kim Jae Won oppa and Scandal Drama. Fighting... 

Monday, December 9, 2013

[Video] Christmas is on the air with Kim Jae Won


I think Jaewon oppa is going to freak out watching this fan made MV for Christmas. I was laughing so hard when i saw it. I never seen Kim Jaewon dance this way. He really rocks on this video. 

Credit to uploader... 

Latest News, Photos, Drama, Movies, everything about Kim Jae Won achievements..

Sunday, December 8, 2013

[Photo] Scandal Stills "Ha Eun Joong" Ep.36

I love Kim Jae Won character as Detective Ha Eun Joong , one of the best this year. Here are some of the photo stills release from MBC Official Website. 

Check out more photos ====> HERE

Latest News, Photos, Drama, Movies, everything about Kim Jae Won achievements..

Saturday, December 7, 2013

[News] Kim Jae Won and other celebreties to become a family in new MBC Show

Broadcaster MBC will introduce a new entertainment program, tentatively named "Four Sons One Daughter", starting next month. 

The family-oriented program will have four male celebrities and one female star make up a family who will live with fake parents in the countryside. 

The broadcaster has already confirmed the siblings for the show, including comedian Kim Goo-ra, singer Kim Min-jong, former basketball player Suh Jang-hoon and actor Kim Jae-won.

 The only female member will be actress Lee Honey, winner of the 2006 Miss Korea pageant. 

"We are excited to see what type of synergy effect these members will show in the program", said the broadcaster. 
"It will be a new and unique type of family-based reality show".

By: Lee Sun-min []
Source :

Related Article:

Kim Jae Won Joins MBC New Variety Show

Kim Jae-won to Tie the Knot in June 28

Korean actor Kim Jae-won will appear as the regular members of MBC’s upcoming variety show.

Kim, actor Kim Min-jong, comedian Kim Gu-ra and former basketball player Seo Jang-hoon have been cast in MBC’s real variety show “Four Sons and One Daughter” (translated title), set to hit air early next year.

The virtual family experience show will center on the four celebrity brothers and one guest female star becoming a family and living with parents at the rural town, showing the real meaning of a family.

The first female guest is actress Lee Honey of KBS’s melodrama series “Don’t Look Back,” who has also admitted a relationship with actor Yoon Kye-sang of MBC’s romcom “The Greatest Love.”

“As we’re receiving high expectations with the refreshing combination of stars, we’re going to show differentiated family variety show,” said an official with the producing crew, led by producer Kang Young-sun who helmed MBC’s long-running talk show “The Guru Show.” 

Reporter. Cory Lee
Courtesy of MBC
<ⓒ Korea Entertainment Media Co., LTD. ( 

Thursday, December 5, 2013