
Monday, February 4, 2013

[News/Video] Kim Jae Won was chosen as narrator at MBC Special Documentary "Survival"

Latest News, Photos, Drama, Movies, everything about Kim Jae Won achievements..

Kim Jae Won was chosen as narrator of MBC Special Documentary Show "Survival"
It's a documentary about peoples life and culture in Africa and how they survive. The first episode was aired on December 26,2012 , 8:50pm KTS.

[Photo] Kim Jae Won Lend his voice on MBC Special Documentary "Survival"

Latest News, Photos, Drama, Movies, everything about Kim Jae Won achievements..

Kim Jae Won 김재원 in the recording room of MBC for his narration on MBC Special Documentary "SURVIVAL" Part 4. BroadcasT Schedule Wednesday 8:50pm, February 6 on MBC Network Korea.

지금 배우 #김재원 씨가 다큐멘터리 #생존 4부-나미브의 슬픈 사냥꾼 편 녹음 중입니다! 이번주 수요일 밤 8시50분 김재원 씨의 감미로운 내레이션 기대해주세요~!!
credit : MBC