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Some pictures of actor Kim Jae Won’s fan meeting in Japan were recently released.
On July 14, Kim Jae Won held a fan meeting at Yokohama Bridge in Japan. The place completely packed with Kim’s Japanese fans proved the high popularity of Kim in Japan.
At the fan meeting, Kim Jae Won brought an interpreter for some of his special fans. It was a sign language interpreter for his hearing-impaired fans. He played the role of Cha Dong Joo, a young business man who overcomes his hearing impairment in MBC TV’s drama series Can You Hear My Heart, which aired in 2011, and received favorable reviews from many viewers for his acting.
Kim prepared this fan meeting in Japan by himself and wished to interact with his fans. Maybe because of his such a wish, he was very considerate of his fans throughout the meeting.
Besides, Kim prepared a mini-concert, a game, and some presents to appreciate his fans. He was also praised by the Japanese fans by directly giving the presents to the fans who won the game or who were selected by lot.
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Kim Jae Won's Fan Meeting Ends in Success
Actor Kim Jae Won had a fan meeting on the 14th at the Yokohama Bridge where the seats were filled with eager fans to see him.
A meaningful translator was prepared for this days fan meeting. A sign language translator was prepared for the stage.
Kim Jae Won appeared as a businessman named Cha Dong-joo who overcame deafness in the MBC drama "Can You Hear my Heart?"
This fan meeting showed how considerate Kim is. He planned this fan meeting himself and hoped everyone came together as one.
Kim prepared a mini concert and games with presents prepared by himself and so on. He went down to the audience to deliver the presents to those who were chosen for it.
Kim Jae Won has been cast for the drama "May Queen".
Source : ( English )
김재원, 일본팬미팅 수화통역 등장 '배려의 아이콘'
[TV리포트 이지현 기자] 배우 김재원의 일본 팬미팅 현장 사진이 공개됐다.![](
김재원은 지난 13일 요코하마브릿지에서 일본 팬미팅을 가진 가운데 이날 현장은 일본 팬들로 만석을 이뤄 그의 일본 내 높은 인기를 보여줬다.
팬미팅에는 특별한 팬들을 위해 의미 있는 통역이 준비됐다. 바로 청각장애인들을 위한 수화통역이 등장한 것. 그는 지난 2011년 MBC TV '내 마음이 들리니'에서 청각장애를 극복한 청년 사업가 차동주로 열연, 시청자들로부터 명품 연기라는 찬사를 받은 바 있다.
일본 팬미팅을 직접 기획, 팬들과 하나 되는 시간이 되기를 희망한 그의 이러한 모습은 따뜻한 배려가 돋보였다.
이밖에도 미니콘서트와 게임, 직접 선물을 준비하는 등 섬세한 배려가 곳곳에 묻어났으며, 그는 게임에 이긴 팬들과 추첨을 통해 선물을 받게 된 팬들을 위해 객석까지 내려가 직접 선물을 전달해 일본 팬들의 찬사를 받기도 했다.
한편, 김재원은 오는 8월 방송예정인 MBC TV 주말드라마 '메이퀸'에서 남자주인공 강산 역으로 출연, 안방극장 복귀를 앞두고 있다.
이지현 기자
That's the reason why I become his fans...I am so proud of you Oppa. You are so thoughtful to all of your fans.....I always love you, Kim Jaewon Oppa <3 ^^..